Camerata de Renato Velasco

Projet - Camerata de Renato Velasco 

The dormitory

The Camerata by guitarist Renato Velasco is a very important project ins my artistic journey as a guitarist and composer. After a long career as a soloist and accompanist, it is a culmination that concretizes my determination as a compositeur and musician passionate about the guitar and the research of different musics and instruments.
The Camerata favors the fusion of Brazilian musical roots (Samba, Baião, Choro ...), and traditional genres from the five regions of Brazil (Musica Caipira, Guarania, Lundu, Capoeira music ...) with arrangements derived from classical and jazz conceptions of music.
The repertoire, made up of his own compositions, is also enriched by music by Brazilian composers and other nationalities. He invites us on a cultural journey through a Brazil with tropical atmospheres and different sounds.
In this project he is accompanied by five musicians: a string trio (violin, viola and cello), with flute and percussion.
Renato Velasco, master of the seven-string guitar and the Viola Caipira, enriches certain pieces of his concert with vocals. With a song of minimalist and expressionist aesthetics unique to the singer-songwriter, the emphasis is on emotion rather than vocal technique.
His interpretation and inspiration come as much from traditional Brazilian music as from improvised music or influences from so-called scholarly music.

Eye of Time ( Compositeur - Renato Velasco / Auteur - Agenor de Oliveira )

Crescent moon
heavenly seed
Rips the darkness to float
make your shine
The guide in the wild
emotion solo
of my singing
gush your bed of silver
in the chest of a child of the sun
And he casts his hoarse voice into the troubled waters ("the" closed)
stored in an atoll
Preserves the forest of the saw-chibata
With a dagger-back
And loose your eye of time in the wind
good versus evil invention
Your accurate ray is an arm of light
Strokes me party boy at last
of blue stars, like this
like a cloak
With the power of true passion
And singing is the craft of my heart
became an addiction
Travel to live a lifetime
waterfall stone song
It's prayer, it's tears, it's Brazilian voice

Explosion (Renato Velasco )

The musicians who participated in these videos:

Guitare 7 cordes et chant
(compositions et arrangements) - Renato VELASCO
Paroles - Agenor DE OLIVEIRA
Flûte - Martina MIHAYLOVA
Violon – Matthieu LECOMTE
Alto - Philippa WELCH
Violoncelle - Julie EYCHENNE
Percussions - Dada VIANA

Mineirice ( Compositeur - Renato Velasco /
Auteur - Agenor de Oliveira - dec. 2009 )

I remember the farm
of the Saga in Minas Gerais
I see the cart in front of the oxen
On the slope...
almost a boy
I travel on the road without end
More Than Fate
It's the landscape that doesn't leave me
life in the rush of the wind
It's Always Torment, In Vain
is vacant
Whirlwind of time
In my heart

feet on asphalt
of Liability on Stage and in the World
Sound Jump Into The Blue Waters
And the nature
turns the stream into a castle
All Beauty
And Only Linkless Stream

I bring the memory in my fingers
And The Story In The Lines Of The Hand
In Freaks, Old Secrets
of my guitar

Vida nova ( Renato Velasco )

Description du groupe :

Le groupe est formé de musiciens traditionnels et classiques, deux musiciens expérimentés dans la musique brésilienne et dans le jazz, et quatre musiciens de formation classique, deux Français, un Anglais et un Bulgare. Cette rencontre de musiciens de styles différents forme une alchimie qui transporte le public dans une nouvelle musique créée à Paris, une musique pleine d’émotions avec des arrangements originaux.

Baião do arabe (Renato Velasco)

L'Evolution du projet:

La Camerata apporte aux concerts originalité et innovation grâce la participation d'artistes peintre, sculpteur et scénographe, c'est indiscutablement une rencontre des arts, des sons et des images.

L' artiste plasticienne Lucinha MAMOS-MOREAUX est la première invitée de ce projet. Elle s'inspire de la musique live de la Camerata pour créer devant le public des tableaux.

We regularly give concerts as part of your artistic activities (festivals, theater, concerts for town halls, MJC, café-theater ...)

Strange shortcut (Renato Velasco)

Returning to Rio ( Compositeur - Renato Velasco / Auteur - Agenor de Oliveira )

Oh, I want to stay
my heart doesn't say goodbye
The afternoon falls into the blue of the sea
And the emotion makes you cry
In a gift that comes from God
Returning to Rio to samba
So many friends came to review
Life goes loose in the air
my guitar will play
A good sound
I'm going
enjoy a good bean
And the beautiful sky
I want
drag the foot on the ground
from infinity
my verse written on the palm
in each hand
will hug me
My brother

draft beer in a bar
in Lapa, then
making a stir
the brunette will tap dance
in inspiration
from an afflicted chest
I will have a good time
at the gate
tambourine and whistle
Oh how much I miss to take
It's not a dream
I believe..Nouveau paragraphe

Repertoire of the Camerata
fromRenato velasco

OLHO DO TEMPO (Guarania) - Sud 
BAIAO DO ARABE (Baiao/Chaby) - Nord-Est/Algerie
EXPLOSAO (Fusion/Galope) - Nord-Est
MINEIRICE (Oratorio / Tambor de Minas/Jongo) - Sud-Est
VOLTANDO AO RIO (Samba) - Sud-Est 
VIDA NOVA - (Afoxe / capoeira) - Nord-Est/Bahia
VOO DO PASSARO (afoxe/baião) - Nord-Est
ZONA SUL (Samba/Funk) - Sud-Est
MARACATU N°1 (Maracatu) - Nord-Est
RESIDUO (Marcha 3/4) Fusion - Sud-Est
VOO LIVRE - (Caboclinho) - Nord-Est
Photo du Concert du 50éme anniversaire de Renato le, 24/09/2011 
 Au Théâtre e de la Maison du Bresil à Paris


Sound system for an average room
(Concert for 100 to 300 people):
1 sound engineer.
1 16-track mixer with rever b
1 Amplifier (minimum 1200 Watts, with compatible speakers and bassoons).
4 Returns (120 Watts)
2 Microphones for vocals with feet
4 Pickups for string trio and flute
4 Microphones for percussion
6 DI (direct box) for guitars
Sonorisation pour Théâtre, salle sde concert, amphithéâtres ...
(Grand Concert à partir de 300 personnes) :

  • 2 Ingénieurs du son
  • Equipement professionnel compatible avec la salle.
  • (Table de mixage minimum 16 pistes, reverb/équaliseur…)
  • 2 Amplificateurs compatibles pour la diffusion et les retours
  • Plusieurs enceintes de diffusion avec basses sont compatibles avec la salle
  • 8 Retours et table de mixage pour les retours.
  • Eclairages blancs ambrés et multi couleurs…
  • 4 Micros pour les voix 
  • 5 Micros pour les percussions
  • 4 Micros pour trio à cordes et flûte
  • 6 D.I. (direct box) pour guitares
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